
Waldorf Salad Recipe

Recipes by HOPE Resource Center

Waldorf Salad Recipe:


  • 6 Tablespoons mayonnaise (or plain yogurt [Add some honey if using yogurt]
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Pinch of freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 sweet apples, cored and chopped
  • 1 cup red seedless grapes, sliced in half (or 1/4 cup of raisins)
  • 1 cup celery, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup chopped, slightly toasted walnuts [optional]
  • 1 Lettuce


  1. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise (or yogurt and honey), lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
  2. Stir in the apple, celery, grapes, and walnuts.
  3. Serve on a bed of fresh lettuce.

Hope our recipes are helpful to you. Have fun and enjoy these recipes!


Receta: Ensalada Waldorf


  • 6 cucharadas de mayonesa (o yogurt natural [Agregue un poco de miel si usa yogurt]
  • 1 cucharada de jugo de limón
  • 1/2 cucharadita de sal
  • Una pizca de pimienta negra recién molida
  • 2 manzanas dulces, sin corazón y picadas
  • 1 taza de uvas rojas sin semillas, en rodajas por la mitad (o 1/4 taza de pasas)
  • 1 taza de apio, en rodajas finas
  • 1 taza de nueces picadas, ligeramente
  • tostadas [opcional]
  • Lechuga


  1. En un tazón mediano, mezcle la mayonesa (o yogurt y miel), jugo de limón, sal, y pimienta.
  2. Agregue la manzana, el apio, las uvas, y las nueces.
  3. Servir en lechuga fresca.
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